Program Evaluation

Thank you for taking the Perfect Imperfection program, your opinion matters to me!


You did it!  You completed the Perfect Imperfection program!


That’s a big deal.

Despite all of life’s ups and downs. Despite maybe having all kinds of reasons to quit or give up.

I know you’re busy especially during these unprecedented times. And sometimes it’s hard to think about the deeper issues that have brought you here.

Congratulations on sticking to it.

I hope this program gave you a better sense that much of this process of change is about your mindset: what goes on internally with your self-talk and inner beliefs

It’s also about your life: how you’re showing up.

By now you may have realized that there is no magic pill or secret to trying to live a good life and keep moving toward what matters to you.

So, keep working on that mental game of self acceptance and Perfect Imperfection.

Focus on being just a tiny bit better, every day.

Your opinion is important to me. 

I would love to know your thoughts on the program.  Please take 2 minutes to complete this very quick Survey.

1. Which part of the program did you find the most helpful (you can choose more than one):

5. One a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being Very Dissatisfied to 5 being Very Satisfied) how would you rate the Perfect Imperfection program?

If you have any additional comments to add or if you'd like to leave a testimonial, I would love to hear your feedback!