Are you ready to Champion your career and life on your own terms?

Join the hundreds of Women from around the world who have already Championed themselves using Ann-Marie Flinn’s unique and transformative Champion Women’s Program.

The mission of the Champion Women’s Program is simple: to empower women to Strive and Thrive!

I’m all about giving you the tools to take charge of your inner narrative so you can Champion your career and conquer your biggest life goals.

Imagine a life where you’re not held back by self-doubt or fear of disappointing others. Picture yourself confidently pursuing your dreams and goals, unapologetically showing up with your true authenticity—your Champion self!

That’s exactly what The Champion Women’s Program offers. A supportive environment where you can silence the inner critic, rewrite your story, and unlock your full potential.

Together, we’ll tackle the barriers holding you back, empowering you to embrace your dreams and live a life of purpose and passion.

Say goodbye to settling for average and hello to embracing the extraordinary. Are you ready to rewrite your story

Many will spend thousands on self-improvement gadgets, books, and more, yet still find themselves lacking fulfillment. This is because they focus on external solutions, overlooking the importance of internal growth.

The Champion Women’s Program is all about getting to the core of who you are and making sure you’re living a life that truly speaks to you. It’s not just about quick fixes; it’s about setting you up for a lifetime of fulfillment and success. So, if you’re ready to dive deep and make some serious changes, I’ve got you covered.

The Champion Women’s program is designed for ambitious women like you who are ready to:

Break free from limiting beliefs and reach your full potential.

Embrace your Champion power and take charge of your career and life.

Overcome self-doubt and show up as your true, authentic self.

Connect at a deeper level your life purpose.

Expand your definition of what’s possible in your world.

Invest in your journey of growth, empowerment, and transformation.

The Champion Women’s Program thrives when it’s filled with women from all walks of life. Prior attendees have included a wide variety of backgrounds: from coaches to consultants, executives to managers, entrepreneurs to engineers and a vast array of diverse cultural backgrounds.

“If you are looking for a hidden gem who will help you rediscover your true self, you need to connect with Ann-Marie!”

Morgan Jackson - HR Director

“I learned some really valuable things about myself, what makes me uncomfortable and why, and what some of my strengths are. It was also a great way to meet a group of wonderful women who were all engaged the whole time.”

Donna Upham, CFP

“I have learned to recognize my Inner Critic and embrace my Inner Champion. I urge all women to take part in learning how great they already are and unleash their potential.”

Katie Kelly - CEO/Entrepreneur

The Champion Women’s program journey:


Design & Discover

Delve into the fundamental questions of “who you are” and “why.”


Dig Deep

Discover your Inner Critic and unlock pivotal ‘ah-ha’ moments.


Reframe & Resilience

Reframe the internal narrative, empowering you to shine with confidence and resilience.


Rediscover & Recreate

Rediscover your Inner Champion and Build a plan for moving forward to show up as your true, authentic self.

In 4 months, you will carve out a path that aligns with your deepest passions and aspirations.

Your Inner Champion is waiting to set your soul on fire!

Imagine a life where you’re not held back by self-doubt or fear of disappointing others. 

Picture yourself confidently pursuing your dreams and goals, unapologetically showing up with your true authenticity—your Champion self!

That’s exactly what our coaching program for women offers. We provide a supportive environment where you can silence the inner critic, rewrite your story, and unlock your full potential.

Together, we’ll tackle the barriers holding you back, empowering you to embrace your dreams and live a life of purpose and passion. Say goodbye to settling for average and hello to embracing the extraordinary.

Are you ready to rewrite your story?

Your Champion journey includes:


Week 1

Intro to Cohort – Start your Champion journey by getting to know your Champion Cohort and design a safe container to move forward.

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet
  • 90 min live session

Week 2

Perfectionism – Learn the signs of unhealthy perfectionism and ways to embrace perfect imperfection

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 3

What’s your type and Wheel of life – get curious about which aspect(s) of your life you want to create deeper intentions around

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 4

What’s your Why and Values – dig deeper into what is truly important to you and why

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet
  • 90 min live session

Week 5

The “shoulds” and Comparison Trap – Learn why we compare and how to reframe it

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 6

Shifting out of All-or-nothing thinking – Scrap the all-or-nothing mindset to embrace your authenticity

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 7

Intro to the Inner Critic – Empower yourself to notice when the Inner Critic shows up in your life

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 8

Biography of your Inner Critic – Dig deeper into understanding your unique Inner Critic

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet
  • 90 min live session

Week 9

The 3 R’s – Get introduced the 3 R’s of resilience with R#1: Reframe

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 10

The 3 R’s – continue the 3 R’s of resilience with R#2: Refocus

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 11

The 3 R’s – continue the 3 R’s of resilience with R#2: Relentless

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 12

Wish to Commit – Discover where you currently land on the spectrum and learn ways to move further toward commitment

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet
  • 90 min live session

Week 13

Inner Champion – Rediscover your authenticity by unleashing your Inner Champion

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 14

Silence the Inner Critic – learn how to “live” with the Inner Critic in peace

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 15

Moving Forward – Bring all your learnings together with a Champion Mindset

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet

Week 16

Your Destination Postcard – Your future self will be calling you

  • 1 video
  • Reading material
  • 1 Activity sheet
  • 90 min live closing session

Meet your Champion Women’s Program founder: Ann-Marie Flinn

Award winning, expert on Championing Women where they work, live and play.

  • 30 year corporate career with a Fortune 100 company
  • 30 + years of experience as a facilitator, program creator, and public speaker
  • Award winner and finalists in various business leader awards
  • Vast credentials in coaching, leadership, corporate and individual wellness aswell as business relationships and psychological safety
  • Coached, mentored, public spoke and facilitated thousands of women globally to Champion themselves
    Sought-after coach, public speaker and organizational change facilitator
  • International professional athlete

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the Champion Women’s Program?

The value of the program is:
Early bird = $999 + HST
After Early Bird = $1,299 + HST
Consider it as an investment in yourself and your future. When you think about the value derived from gaining the ability to accomplish what previously seemed unattainable on your own, the investment becomes justified. This program isn’t just about acquiring new skills or knowledge; it’s about experiencing profound personal growth and achieving long-lasting change. It’s an opportunity to break free from limitations, rewrite your story, and step into a life filled with purpose, passion, and fulfillment. So, when making your decision around investing in yourself, consider the value of maintaining the status quo and how that is working for you

How much time should I set aside weekly for the Champion Women’s program?

I recommend setting aside time each week to engage with the materials or the coaching sessions and reflect on the questions provided. Typically, you’ll receive weekly reading materials along with reflective questions every week.
While the reading material may take around 15 minutes to review, the key is to invest time in deep reflection on that material and the questions provided. I encourage you to take your time and allow thoughts, feelings, and energy to naturally surface before jotting down your thoughts. It’s a process that varies for each individual, so the amount of time you dedicate to this is entirely up to you. Many clients find themselves pondering these questions throughout the week, allowing thoughts to arise organically while going about their daily activities.

Maybe you can only afford 10 minutes a day. Or something quick at lunchtime. Or half an hour before bed. Good enough. Start there.

Additionally, you’ll have cohort sessions lasting a minimum of 90 to 120 minutes each. These sessions will be scheduled ahead of time so you can plan accordingly.

Ask your company to invest in your professional development.

While many women enroll in the Champion Women’s program without financial backing from their workplaces, your involvement in this transformational program will undoubtedly contribute to your employer’s success.

Because some organizations offer professional development funding for career enhancement programs, some participants approach their bosses to request investing in their development by sponsoring the program fee on their behalf.  

Want help asking your company? 

Investing in the Champion Women’s Program for professional development funding offers numerous benefits for organizations, providing a multifaceted approach to addressing key organizational goals. By empowering their female employees to participate, organizations foster:

1) a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture, actively closing the gap on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. 

2) The program equips women with invaluable skills, such as enhanced confidence, effective communication, and leadership capabilities, which directly contribute to their professional growth and success within the organization. 

3) Additionally, as participants gain clarity on their goals, prioritize their values, and refine their career paths, they become more engaged, motivated, and productive employees. 

4)Furthermore, the program’s emphasis on internal transformation promotes resilience, well-being, and personal fulfillment, leading to reduced turnover rates and increased employee retention. 

In conclusion, by investing in the Champion Women’s Program, organizations not only support the advancement of their female workforce but also cultivate a more diverse, empowered, and thriving workplace environment, driving organizational success and innovation.

Get ready to Strive and Thrive!

Ready to unleash your Inner Champion? Join the Champion Women’s Program today and unlock your leadership potential. It’s time to strive for greatness and embark on a journey of empowerment, growth, and lasting change. Don’t wait any longer to step into your power and lead with confidence. Start your transformational journey now.