Your roadmap to thriving in an imperfect world!

Don’t let perfectionism take over your life

Do you hold yourself – and perhaps others – to unsustainable high standards? 
Do you have a nagging inner critic that tells you you’re not good enough no matter how much you achieve?

Perfectionism and the expectation of getting it all “right” has created undue pressure on physical, mental and emotional well-being.  Needing to be perfect can get in the way of your happiness and take over your life

So how do you find balance so you can reclaim your Champion Mindset and thrive in an imperfect world

It’s time to get proactive with your wellness and well-being.

Instead of sticking metaphorical Band-Aids on things, escaping from symptoms, or simply chasing temporary relief, it’s time to dig deep and redesign your mindset.


It’s time for a Champion Mindset

In this powerful self-directed program, participants will:

  • Receive useful insights and mental tools to help minimize the stress of having to get it “all right”
  • Create awareness and curiosity of the present mindset
  • Increase awareness of how fear can show up as perfectionism
  • Discover how to reframe words that get us stuck in the trap of limiting beliefs
  • Focus on your strength traits and the art of resilience
  • Bring normalcy to perfect imperfection and know that you’re not alone

This year, build your mental and emotional strength by adding this impactive program to your fitness routine.  Build the muscle of resilience and authenticity so you can thrive in this ever changing world.

The Champion Mindset online program includes:

  • 5 modules of self-led, incredible content to help you discover ways to bring authenticity and self-acceptance to your life.
  • 100 pages of learning & instruction
  • 20 activities to deepen your learning and discover how you currently show up and what’s possible without perfectionism
  • Videos to inspire and motivate



Here’s what in this program:

 Introduction to the program

  • “My story” – it’s not always what it appears to be on the outside
  • Housekeeping tips to help navigate you through the program

Module 1 – Discovery of self

  • Understand the 4 levels of learning. Which level is the vortex of discomfort and which level creates light bulb moments for you?  Once you learn this, you can start to see where you’re playing safe and where limiting beliefs may be holding you back from really thriving
  • I’ll ask you some weird and wonderful questions that will bring clarity around what shows up for you around perfectionism and imperfectionism.
  • Videos to inspire, motivate and get curious around

Module 2 – The “Should” and Comparison Traps

  • We’ll dig into those nasty words – The “Shoulds” and the Comparison Trap
  • Discover “The truth” about comparison
  • 5 ways to eliminate the comparison trap
  • Review the concept of all-or-nothing thinking and what to do instead
  • The dial method to help you see progress over perfection
  • Lots of activities to deepen your learning around this topic

Module 3– Identify your Inner Critic and your Inner Champion

  • This is where ah-ha moments are discovered
  • I’ll give you activities to help pull that nasty inner critic out from the darkness
  • Understand the concept of self-sabotage and how it can be a coping mechanism
  • You’ll also discover your Inner Champion who will help you move forward with strength and courage
  • Video that shows the power of self compassion

Module 4 – The power of resilience

  • I’ll walk you through the 3 R’s of resilience
  • How to reframe wording to help us move forward with greater self acceptance
  • Create a self-care menu for yourself
  • Understand how tiny habits can lead to big results
  • Activities to practice reframing, rewording and how to be relentless in your quest for a Champion Mindset
  • Video on why the critics don’t count

Module 5– Moving forward with a Champion Mindset

  • Create your very own destination Champion postcard
  • Visualization activity to bring clarity around what it looks and feels like to thrive
  • Creating a “Kintsugi” mindset

Here is what past participants had to say about Champion Mindset: 

  • “The most helpful topic for me was reframing self-talk”
  • “This program moves you from resistance to resilience!”
  • “I loved learning more about the inner critic. It was a game changer!”
  • “Just by changing one word in my vocabulary it changed the way I see and do things.”
  • “I’m so happy I took this course. I feel so inspired!”
  • “Thank you Ann-Marie for this course. I’m looking forward to the next course!”
  • “You awakened a sleeping force that is and has been me all along!”
  • “I recently heard Ann-Marie speak and found her information very insightful and helpful.  This program sounds amazing and very timely with that everyone has experienced last year.”
  • “This is the program I have been waiting for!  I will recommend it to friends and colleagues.  It will resonate with so many people, and may (like it did for me) open the door to emotional healing.”
  • Champion Mindset is the mindset I’m leaning into these days. Battling my critical inner demons using skills learned in Ann-Marie Flinn’s Champion Mindset program is moving me forward to self-love and acceptance.”

You’ll leave this program with proven tools, motivation and a road map to thrive in an imperfect world!

So…. give yourself the gift of authenticity.

Sign up today, get your notebook and pen, grab a coffee or tea (or whatever else suits your fancy), put on your favorite PJ bottoms (don’t worry….no one can see you!) and discover your true authentic self!

I’ll see you soon!

Get ready to Champion your Mindset

Register Now!